lindsay goss
Ph.D. Theatre and Performance Studies, Brown University, May 2014
Dissertation: Entertaining the Movement: Jane Fonda, GI Resistance, and the FTA
Committee: Patricia Ybarra (Chair), Rebecca Schneider, Nicholas Ridout
B.A. Honors thesis in English Literature, Macalester College, 2004
Assistant Professor of Theater, Temple University, August 2017-present
Pforzheimer Fellow in American Drama, City University of New York - CUNY, August 2016-May 2017
Lecturer, New York University Abu Dhabi Writing Program, August 2014-August 2016
publications and presentations
2018 "You Are Invited Not to Attend: Answering the Call for a Cultural Boycott of the. Shiraz Festival of the Arts," Performance Paradigm 14, pp. 10-27
2017 "Theater for Beginners: Germinal," (Critical Acts) TDR 61.3, pp. 165-72
2015 “The Body in the Margins: Alexandra Kollontai’s Command Performance,” special issue of Performance Research 20.6, pp. 12-16
2015 “Class/Work: Labor, Theatricality, and the Student,” special issue of Contemporary Theatre Review 25.3, pp. 327-343
2015 Review of Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll, and Steve Giles, editors, Postdramatic Theatre and the Political: International Perspectives on
Contemporary Performance, Theatre Survey 57.1, pp. 160-62
2013 “At Home and Abroad,” Afterimage 41.2, September, pp. 6-8
works in progress
"Tactical Actors: Jane Fonda, GI Resistance, and the FTA," book manuscript
"Crisis Actors and Ally Theater," journal article
invited talks
2018 “The Performative Threat: Expressions of Injury and Perceptions of Violence from Black Power to Black Lives Matter,” conference on Performativity and the Political, National Autonomous University of Mexico, May 7
2013 “Screening the ‘Emancipated Spectator’: The FTA’s Soldier-Spectator on Display” Performance Studies Working Group, Yale University, November 19
conference plenaries
2019 “Crisis Actors,” American Society for Theatre Research, Arlington, VA, Nov 7-10 (upcoming)
conference presentations and working groups
2021 “Covert Rehearsal: Training the Spectator,” American Society for Theatre Research, San Diego (upcoming)
2020 “Future Tense: on crisis and its circulation in theatre and political theory,” American Comparative Literature Association, Chicago, March 19-22 (event
cancelled due to COVID- 19)
2018 “Sex and Solidarity: Jane Fonda’s Role in the GI Resistance,” American Society for Theatre Research Symposium, San Diego, Nov 15-18
“Words from another place: Rethinking the place of the actor in the politics of anti- theatricality,” ACLA, Los Angeles March 29-April 1
2017 "Theatricality and Injury in Pallywood," Spectacular Transgressions Roundtable, Association for Theater in Higher Education, Las Vegas, August 3-6
2015 “No Show: Iran's Shiraz Festival of the Arts and the Politics of the Cultural Boycott,” American Society for Theatre Research, Portland, OR, November 5-8
“Solidarity and Spectatorship,” paper presented in absentia, On Tilted Earth, Performance Studies International Conference in Manila, Philippines,
November 5-8
Visiting Correspondent to Luzon/Philippines site of Performance Studies International #21, April 19 - May 1
2014 “Doing Something Else,” American Society for Theatre Research, Baltimore, MD, November 20-23
“Looking at Looking at Tazieh,” Performance Studies International #20, Shanghai, July 4-8
“Class/Work: Students Performing Solidarity,” Historical Materialism, Toronto, May 8-11
2013 “Performing Solidarity,” Rethinking Marxism Conference, Amherst, MA, September 19-22
2012 “Interfering with Time: A History of Ta’ziyeh as History,” American Society for Theatre Research, Nashville, TN, November 1-4
Debating (In)civility Roundtable, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Washington, DC, August 2-5
“When the Art/Work Owns You,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Washington, DC, August 2-5
2011 “Excess in the Economy of Injury,” American Society for Theatre Research, Montreal, November 17-20
“The Fixative Pose in Theatricality, Photography and Memory,” Performance Studies International Conference #17, Utrecht, May 25-29
2010 “Entertaining Resistance: Free The Army, Counterpublics, and the Theatre of Solidarity,” PSi Conference #16, Toronto, June 9-13
courses taught (first year)
2020 World of the Play
2019 Graduate Seminar in Dramatic Literature II, Temple University
2018 Graduate Seminar in Dramatic Literature I, Temple University
Theater History II, Temple University
2017 Theater History I, Temple University
Introduction to Theater Process, Temple University
Black Theater USA, City College of New York
Theatre and Politics, City College of New York
2016 Introduction to Literary Study, City College of New York
20th Century U.S. Representative Writers, City College of New York
2015 Pain, New York University Abu Dhabi
2014 Analysis and Expression: Writing in Disguise, New York University Abu Dhabi
Persuasive Communication, Brown University (also 2011, 2010)
2013 Anarchy, Activism, and the Avant-Garde: The Politics of Performance, Brown University
Writing for Performance: Sketch Comedy, Brown University Continuing Education (also 2012, 2010, 2009)
English On Stage: Building Language Skills Through Performance, Brown University Continuing Education
2012 Controversy in Context, Brown University/Trinity Repertory Theatre Consortium
selected theatre works
2020 Somewhere by Marisela Treviño Orta, Director, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
2016 quite the best news in some considerable - rinse and repeat version, Co-creator and performer, Peopling the Palaces, Queen Mary University of London
2015 quite the best news in some considerable time, Co-creator and performer, New York University Abu Dhabi
2014 What is the role of the intellectual in the revolutionary struggle? Co-creator and performer, Peopling the Palaces, Queen Mary University of London
O-K by Katie Pearl, Performer, Brown University, RI
2013 Fight. Flight. Plant. Possum. Performer, 6x6, 95Empire, Providence, RI
The State Department Presents, Co-creator and performer, 95Empire, Providence, RI
Scenes from Scenes from a Marriage, Co-creator and performer, 95Empire, Providence, RI
2010 Mo’reece and the Girls by Jackie Sibblies, Dramaturg, Brown University, RI
2009 Lament and Fragmentation by Dale Perrault, Director, Infiltrage 2, The Flea, NY
2007 Boxes by Robert Askins, Director, Living Image Arts, NY
2005 Trifles by Susan Glaspell, Director, Theatre Unbound, MN
Corporate Karaoke, Co-writer and co-director, Fringe Festival, MN
2004 Untitled: Figure in White, Writer and director, Theatre Unbound, MN
City Pagez: The Show, Co-writer and co-director, Fringe Festival, MN
awards, residencies, and grants
2017 Mellon School of Theater and Performance Research Participant, Harvard University
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar Participant and Grant Recipient, “Rethinking Performance in Theory and Practice,” University of Chicago
2013 95Empire Residency, Providence, RI
2012 Creative Arts Council Grant, Brown University
Emerging Scholar, Performance Studies Focus Group, Association for Theatre in Higher Education
2011 Graduate International Colloquium Grant, Brown University
Critical Language Scholarship (Persian/Tajikistan), U.S. State Department
to the profession
2013 Member-at-Large, Performance Studies Focus Group, Association for Theatre in Higher Education
to the university
2014 Graduate student representative to Brown University Graduate School governing council
2013 Guest participant in Brown/Trinity Repertory Theatre Consortium, Design Practicum for MFA Directing students
2012 Conference Coordinator, “Performing Under Pressure: Life, Labor, and Art in the Academy,” Brown University
2011 Conference Organizer, “In a Strange Land: One Thousand Years of Shahnameh,” Brown University
to the department
2019 School of Theater, Film and Media Arts coordinator for Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Creativity
2018 Member, Department Committee on Theater Studies Curriculum, Temple University Faculty coordinator for Temple University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Conference
2016 Member, Departmental Committee on Literature in the Major, City College
related experience
2007 Producer, Living Image Arts, NY
2006 Literary Intern, New York Theatre Workshop, NY
2004 Education Intern, Teatro del Pueblo, MN
Intern, Derry Playhouse, Northern Ireland
2003 Intern, Penumbra Theater, MN
2002 Intern, In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, MN